
The Card That Unites the Celeste Family Arrives

RC Celta

Under the slogan “Herdeiros” (Heirs), the Celtista Card is introduced, designed for those who want to be part of the Celeste family but, due to economic, work, or distance reasons, cannot regularly attend the matches. This card allows them to enjoy the same benefits as a conventional season ticket holder, except for the seat at Abanca Balaídos. Thus, holders of the Celtista Card will obtain an annual membership number, the same discount in official stores, and access to matches of Celta Fortuna, As Celtas, Celta Zorka Recalvi, and youth categories. Additionally, they will enjoy a €10 welcome gift voucher to use in Ticketing or official stores.


The price of the Celtista Card is €30 per season. Moreover, two additional modalities are presented, allowing fans to support two of RC Celta’s fundamental projects: the new As Celtas team and the Foundation. The Celtista As Celtas Card, available for €50, includes all the benefits of the Celtista Card and also supports the club’s most exciting project for the upcoming seasons, promoting girls’ participation in football and offering them role models within the club. Fans opting for this modality will receive an As Celtas scarf as a gift.


On the other hand, the Celtista Collaborator Card, costing €80, offers, besides all the benefits of the Celtista Card, the opportunity to contribute to the work and development of the Celta Foundation: campuses, clinics, and football schools both in Galicia and internationally, promoting Celeste methodology and sentiment. This work reinforces actions of equality, integration, and solidarity through sports.


The application for this card is available from now, through the Celtista portal or at the Abanca Balaídos ticket offices, until the end of the season. RC Celta hopes that this initiative will endure for many years, spreading the Celtista sentiment worldwide. We are heirs to colors, tradition, and roots. We are heirs to an inexplicable sentiment, and each holder of this new Celeste card will carry this heritage beyond the walls of Abanca Balaídos, Vigo, and Galicia, reaching all places where a Celeste heart beats.

RC Celta


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