Committed to protecting the environment
The Grupo RC Celta management team is aware of the importance of environmental responsibility when meeting the needs and expectations of its partners, customers, users and other interested parties and has included these requirements in its business strategy, addressing the implementation of a quality management system at its work centers. In order to make sure that all needs and expectations are met and achieving full satisfaction of all interested parties , environmental protection , pollution prevention and improving the provision of all services.

1. Environmental policy
The aim of our environmental policy
The Directorate is committed to the continuous improvement of the management system and the activities and services provided, the protection of the environment including the prevention of pollution and compliance with the requirements of application including the rules or legislation in force, as well as sustaining and increasing stakeholder satisfaction, harm prevention and impairment of work-related health, environmental protection, pollution prevention and improved service provision to:


The environment

Prevention of occupational risks
General guidelines
The Directorate undertakes to continuously improve the management system and the activities and services provided, to eliminate hazards and reduce risks to safety and health, to protect the environment including pollution prevention, and compliance with enforcement requirements including existing rules or legislation, as well as sustaining and increasing stakeholder satisfaction.
The general guidelines that are established to guarantee this commitment are as follows:
- Responsibility and accountability with system effectiveness
- Aligned objectives established with the the Group’s strategy, its context and business processes.
- Providing the necessary resources for management and constant improvement.
- Achieving the recognition of society in the national and international football market, becoming a benchmark for the sector.
- Achieving full customer and user satisfaction by offering services in accordance with the established requirements, needs, expectations and specifications.
- Achieving full satisfaction of the organization’s staff and personnel acting on their behalf, achieving the ideal working conditions for the development of the activity.
- Complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements , as well as the requirements that the Grupo RC Celta subscribes to.
- Implementing , developing , maintaining and guaranteeing constant improvement in the effectiveness of our management system for quality and environmental issues, to obtain the recognition of our customers, users and interested parties for constant improvement
- Protecting the environment and reducing the environmental impacts that the activities and services provided may cause, working on the prevention, reduction and elimination of any type of pollution, as well as on the minimisation of waste and consumption production.
- Communicating to all our partners, users, suppliers , subcontractors, contractors; and society as a whole, of our actions.
- Integrating our suppliers and subcontractors in the commitment to quality and respect for the environment.
- The search and preparation of qualified staff for the activities we carry out, guaranteeing the training and education of employees regarding the issues that can improve their customer service.

Innovation , teamwork , customer orientation , active listening and environmental protection are the values in which we base our work to provide and improve our services.
The environmental policy will be formally put forward to all of our stakeholders and will be subject to annual review to ensure that it is appropriate for the purpose, context and strategy of the service.
To achieve our objectives , the collaboration of all the Grupo RC Celta staff is essential, and they will have the support of Management at all times. Management works towards developing the guidelines regarding quality and the environment that are established in this Policy and that also provide us with a framework to establish and review the quality and environmental objectives.

2. Environmental Performance Report
Grupo RC Celta is made up of three companies
Grupo RC Celta is dedicated to the development of businesses, linked to the world of football . Their activity is focused on participating in sports competitions, encouraging grassroots sports and in general, other businesses which may surge from this (such as retail stores for sports-related products and multi-brand items).
In addition, the Group carries out other activities through businesses not related to sports, such as the health sector, through the medical clinic, or the field of education through training courses. It also carries out activities as a sponsor for general sports, tenant of spaces for events and the shared exploitation of restaurant businesses.
The Group wants to lead in environmental management and the commitment to constant improvement in this field, limiting the consumption and waste generated in the activities and services carried out in its work centers, with greater environmental impact and promoting the use of reusable and recyclable materials. For this, in 2020 it has proceeded to implement an Environmental Management System based on the UNE EN-ISO 14001 standard for all of its centers:

A Sede

A Madroa Sports City

Abanca Balaídos Stadium

Barreiro Football Field
Integrating its environmental commitment into the strategic plan through compliance with applicable legal provisions, pollution prevention and continuous improvement.
The purpose of this report is to provide our interested parties with information regarding our environmental performance, encouraging their active participation in constant improvement directly by contacting us at the Group’s work centers or through the “Escoitamos ” customer service.
With the implementation of the Environmental Management System we wish to show our respect for the surroundings in which we develop our activities and services, minimizing the impact associated through rigorous control from a life cycle perspective and the permanent drive for the constant improvement of our environmental behavior. In order to do this, we have:
- Defined, implemented and made available to all interested parties (website and facilities) our Quality and Environmental Policy which reflects the commitment of management and the entire organization with environmental protection and pollution prevention.
Established our objectives of environmental improvement to three years in the framework of our policy, objectives aligned with the purpose of the Group, the needs and expectations of the interested parties and the environmental aspects with a greater environmental impact.
- Identified all the environmental aspects associated with the activities and services provided, both those associated with our Organization as well as our suppliers and collaborators and the users of our services.
- Establishment of operational control measures for the personnel and suppliers/collaborators and tenants who carry out their activity in our centers to minimize the environmental impacts associated with the most significant environmental aspects.
- Defined environmental improvement actions related to our context, the needs and expectations of the interested parties and the environmental aspects, prioritizing them according to the strategy and capacity of the Group. So that our priority is to minimize energy consumption generated in the sport activity, reducing the generation of waste paper and cardboard and plastic packaging in all our activities and the dissemination and awareness to all stakeholders of the various improvement actions carried out by the Group according to guidelines and recommendations LaLiga and improving their environmental performance, developing specific actions such as:
- Installation of water fountains at Headquarters, Balaidos and A Madroa.
- The gift to each employee of the RC Celta Group with a customized stainless steel bottle and environmental performance information.
- The extension of the contract with Ecoembes for the management of paper and cardboard waste and plastic packaging to Campo Barreiro.
- The elimination of invoices/bills of suppliers in paper support.
- The change of lights by LEDs in Balaidos.
- Inclusion of environmental suggestions/comments in the Escoitamos channel.
- Enable on our website an environmental area to disseminate our policy, objectives and improvement actions, including recommendations to stakeholders and information on our environmental performance.
- Donation of sports equipment and furniture to other clubs/sports teams.
- We have communicated to all our suppliers our environmental commitment and have requested their acceptance to maintain contractual relations and adherence to good environmental practices.
- We have defined general and specific requirements for the acquisition of products and services at the Group level and required their implementation by our tenants.
- We have disseminated recommendations and indications to our users to minimize the environmental impact of their activities outside our facilities.
- We have identified and evaluated compliance with all applicable legal requirements and taken all necessary actions to ensure compliance.
- We have identified the environmental emergency situations, defined preventive measures and actions to be taken in case of their occurrence and we have defined how to evaluate their effectiveness; disseminating such actions among our staff, suppliers/collaborators and tenants.
- We have defined environmental indicators to evaluate our environmental performance and the behavior of our environmental aspects, results that we will publish at the end of the season.

Environmental requirements
Every company/individual must establish environmental requirements in their purchases and contracts. The requirements established by RC Celta Group for the acquisition of its products and services, including its lessees, are included in this Guide.
As far as possible, it is recommended that these requirements be included in the purchases and contracts of all interested parties.
Purchasing and contracting requirements
Zero administration paper
Adherence of all suppliers
Prioritize the purchase
On equal terms
Adherence to environmental requirements
Buying avoiding the excess

Good Environmental Practices

4. Recommendations for users and clients
Guide of best practices
Currently, we are all concerned about ensuring sustainability for future generations. The RC Celta Group is committed to environmental management and continuous improvement, and wants to implement actions to ensure such sustainability and minimize the environmental impact of its activities and services throughout the life cycle.
For this, is very important the participation of all its customers/users, both in the Group’s facilities and outside them, we indicate in this document environmental practices to be applied in our facilities and you can apply in your day to day, practices that will help us all to ensure a more sustainable world.
Recycle your medicines

Best environmental practices for users/customers

5. Activities carried out by the RC Celta Group
The Non-Financial Information Statement of the RCCelta Group for each of the seasons details the initiatives carried out, among others, in environmental matters:

Ecoembes Collaboration
More than 100 containers of light containers were distributed in the different areas of the Abanca Balaidos Stadium to encourage recycling. The 19-20 and 20-21 seasons due to the pandemic were anomalous to have a reference data that can be compared with the following. In the 21-22 season, 1.6 tons of light containers were recycled.
Beyond the stadium, these waste recycling containers were also promoted in all its facilities in all the workplaces of the RC Celta Group.
To measure the performance of this initiative, a metric called «Waste generation rate» has been established in all the workplaces of the RC Celta Group – whose value establishes how much waste has been deposited in the yellow containers in proportion to the total capacity of all the matches played in the Abanca Balaidos Stadium. The result of the 21-22 season has been 8.9 grams recycled per person.
To encourage the recycling of lightweight packaging by people attending the games in Abanca Balaidos during the season 21-22 awareness has been raised through video markers and public address.

Donation of seats - Rio renovation
This initiative was mainly based on helping more modest clubs to reform their facilities and avoid the generation of more plastic waste.
The more than 3,700 donated seats went to numerous sports entities in Galicia, but also throughout the country. In fact, the most famous case was that of U.D. Alhama, a humble Aragonese soccer club that moved to Vigo to collect these seats and reform its sports facilities at no cost

In addition, to avoid the use of plastic cups were delivered to all employees reusable thermos flasks personalized, adapted to these sources.
It has been calculated that the total annual consumption in the facilities of A Sede was about 18.725 bottles of bottled water of 33cl. After putting into operation the fountains, has managed to cut the consumption of 6,240 units of 33cl water bottles by June 2020.
In December 2022, the Celta Foundation delivered 225 re-usable custom bottles to the same purpose, reducing the consumption of plastic bottles at A Madroa training facilities. A third water source, located at a point of passage for the quarry workers, was installed in these facilities to facilitate the use of these thermoses.

During June 2021, 3,062 seats were donated with the same objective of minimizing the generation of plastic waste.
The beneficiaries of this donation were 24 entities that transmitted direct requests to the club to give a second life to these seats.

No one will ever forget the comeback against the Villarreal, with that zero to two in the break that left the RC Celta far from the emptiness. There arose the tears of Iago, which ran along the backbone of Celtism. There were born the first images, that reception, that comeback, of a sea of sensations that will remain forever in the memory.
Coinciding with the second anniversary of this campaign, the club launches a limited edition of bags made with the tarps used in A Nosa Reconquista, those canvases of hope that flooded the city for two months.
The club wants to demonstrate with this action that it is possible to give a second life to all those advertising media that are used in campaigns very limited in time. It is an alternative of sustainable consumption and circular economy, in collaboration with Without waste , circular economy and solidarity company specialized in the reuse of materials. It is also an initiative in favour of social and labour inclusion promoted by Emmaus Social Foundation, having been labelled by people at risk of social exclusion.