
“Under the same sky”: Carné Celtista introduces itself to the world with a spectacular video by Turkish Celtic director Utku Kemal

RC Celta

With more than 30.000 cards managed, the Carné Celtista is one of the recent initiatives of the club with the best reception. Fans from Galicia, Spain and the world already have a little piece of Celta in their hands that accredits them as members of their club.

Now, as part of its internationalisation strategy, RC Celta is launching a campaign to spread the Carné Celtista worldwide, aimed at all international Celtistas, but especially at Galicians in the diaspora.

“Under the same sky”, an audiovisual piece filmed during six months in six different countries, is the spectacular presentation letter to the world of the Carné Celtista. Produced and directed by the Turkish director Utku Kemal, the spot of the international campaign of the Celtista Card reflects the strength of a shared identity that connects Celtistas in every corner of the world. From Japan to Germany, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Kazakhstan, a variety of Celtistas are united by a common passion.

Utku Kemal is a Turkish audiovisual director with a passion for Celta. The director already collaborated in the past with the Vigo club, with a spot for the first kit of the 22/23 season, with which he surprised all the Celtic fans. Kemal, again together with the actor Ulvi Kahyaoglu, repeats the emotive formula of his first celtista creation and takes it a step further, creating a great tribute to the celtismo in the world, the Galician diaspora and the fans who fall in love with a club in the distance, many times with the only link of sharing common values.

RC Celta would like to thank Utku Kemal for his involvement and dedication in this production, as well as the Celtic fans for their unconditional support and great reception of the Celtic Card.

Wherever you are, under the same sky, SEMPRE CELTA!

Become a Celtista HERE.

RC Celta


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