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Undeserved punishment for Celta Vigo against Levante

RC Celta


‘Sky-blues dominated the entire game, didn’t scored and lost the match in the final minutes (0-1)


Celta Vigo didn’t take advantage from his absolute superiority and lost against Levante, who defended strongly from the begining and hit in his only shot at the end of the game. ‘Sky-blues’ tried hard without success until the last second.




0-R.C.Celta: Yoel, Hugo Mallo, Costas, Fontás, Toni, Oubiña, Krohn Dehli (Álex López, min.46), Rafinha, Santi Mina (David, min.82), Nolito (Orellana, min.69) and Charles


1-Levante: Keilor Navas, Pedro López, Rodas, Navarro, Juanfran, Simao, Ivanschitz (Vyntra, min.60), Xumetra, Diawara (Barral, min.70), Rubén (El Zhar, min.46) and Diop   


Gals: 0-1, min88: Simao


Referee: Álvarez Izquierdo. Yellow cards: Rafinha, Orellana and Xumetra


Stadium: Balaídos, 14.636 spectators


Photo: Diego Pérez

RC Celta


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