A Canteira

RC Celta reaffirms its commitment to the youth team: Fer López renews until 2028

RC Celta

The canterano Fer Lopez extends his link with RC Celta, which began more than a decade ago, in benjamín category. The 20-year-old midfielder will remain linked to the Celta team for four more seasons. This renewal shows both the young player’s commitment to the “club of his life” and the club’s commitment to its youth system, which has been the protagonist of splendid news in recent weeks.

After a spectacular season with Celta Fortuna in which he played 32 matches with more than 1400 minutes played, 7 goals scored and 3 assists, Fer López revalidates his commitment with the club that saw him grow up. The young canterano arrived at A Madroa when he was just a boy, at the age of 9, at that moment he began a sporting career in which, with a great continuous effort and exemplary commitment, he would pass through all the lower categories of the Celta team until arriving at Celta Fortuna, where he would close a magnificent season. Culminated with the qualification for the Play-off for promotion to the Second Division.

RC Celta consolidates its firm commitment to the youth academy and to the integral formation of the players that form part of the youth teams. The renewal of Fer López further embellishes a summer full of colourful ornaments in the Celta quarry.

Congratulations, Fer!

RC Celta


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