The Club

Carlos Mouriño: “Galicia Sports 360 will be a turning point in the history of RC Celta”.

RC Celta

“Galicia Sports 360 will mark a before and after in the history of Celta. It is a project for the whole of Galicia. We will have innovation and training, sports tourism and catering, research, leisure, multisport… and social commitment in the training of athletes and our academy players”. The president of RC Celta, Carlos Mouriño presented with these words this impressive project, whose magnitude was described in detail by the president in a complete presentation in the Salón Regio of A Sede, which was attended by the entire board of directors and directors of RC Celta.

The sky blue president explained that this project will involve a large investment, approximately 70 million euros, and the creation of more than 200 jobs, and also stressed that a close collaboration with all the sports federations will be opened, which will have access to the facilities for specific tests for high performance athletes.

After specifying that “we have presented to the Xunta de Galicia a project that will completely change the sports industry in this Community”, he pointed out that “RC Celta is not going to be just a soccer team, although it is the main thing, soccer. RC Celta wants to transform the entire sports industry in Galicia. We are going to do something of extraordinary importance for the formation of clubs, athletes or federations.”

Galicia Sports 360 – digital version dossier


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