
Crocquer becomes RC Celta’s sponsor as official tailoring

RC Celta

RC Celta and Crocquer have signed a collaboration agreement that positions the Galician textile firm as the official sponsor of the club, becoming the ‘official tailoring suit’ in this special Centenary year.

To this end, Crocquers has crafted a very special model, which the Vigo team will debut on their upcoming visit to Pope Francis in the Vatican.

The new agreement will last up to two years, and includes tailoring suits and a casual travel model for the first-team players, technical staff, and management team, as well as advertising in the stadium and the Afouteza Sports City.

In addition to exclusive promotions, joint sales of the collections and crafted articles, and other actions associated with the club and first team.

The Crocquer collection specially designed for this Centenary will soon be available at the club’s official points of sale and the brand itself.

RC Celta and Crocquer, united in the Centenary

The club’s commercial director, Carlos Salvador, noted that “at RC Celta we are very happy and proud to be able to work with Crocquer, a brand and Galician company, of known reputation and quality. For us, in this our Centenary year, it is a pride to continue being ambassadors of our land, of our products, exporting value and talent, and continue to grow nationally and internationally with the best partners”.

“Moreover, the special Centenary collection, is a unique, current, almost collector’s item, and made with recycled materials” he pointed out.

On the other hand, from Crocquer, Fran Barreiro, highlighted that “as a Galician brand it is an honor and a pleasure to go hand in hand with RC Celta in the year of its Centenary. We are very excited about this collaboration and to be a participant and ambassador of both RC Celta and Galicia in this very important year”.

“From Crocquer, we evolve, with an Ecosuit tailoring, without losing quality or pattern, and adding sustainability to our garments. Values such as tradition, Afouteza, pride and heart, are an example that we carry just like RC Celta to strengthen our brand and retain our customers”.

RC Celta



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