Imágen genérica de cabecera RC Celta

RC Celta Group

Economic, budget and statistical information

Economic, Budget and statistical information.

RC Celta Group makes it´s institutional, organizational, and planification information public, as well as it´s economic, budget, statistical and INFUT transparency index reports, with the objective of advanzing towards our goal of transparency and comunication with society.

1. Annual Accounts and Audit report as of June 30th, 2023.

Main Magnitudes

During the 2022/2023 season and if we confine ourselves to the revenue side, there is a gradual recovery of box office and subscriber income, as well as an increase in retail income, however there is a fall in retransmission revenue. As far as expenditure is concerned, there is an increase in the costs of sports staff and travel and supply costs.

  • All this means that during the season we have worked hard to consolidate our international presence, to generate digital content and in the search for new sponsorship opportunities that increase the overall value of the brand and allow us to grow in revenue and continue the digital transformation, based on the ongoing analysis of the Group’s activity.

Thousand euros

Net Patrimony

Million euros


Million euros in the last 5 years


Millon euros in total income

2. Budget Settlement 2022/2023 season

The budget formulated for the 2022/2023 Season by the Board of Directors of the company aims to ensure the economic progress of the projects that the company has in place in each of the seasons, always trying to be positive.

3. Intermediate Finantial Statements as of December 31rst, 2021.

Review Report

The data shown are until December 31rst, 2022.

Total Assets

Thousand €

Total Net Patrimony

Thousand €


Thousand €

Total Income

Thousand €

4. 2023/2024 Season Budget

Next season´s numbers

Net amount

Million euros

Amortization of fixed assets

Million euros

Profit form the sale of players

Million euros

Staff Expenses

Million euros

Other Export Costs

Million euros

5. Other indicators 2022/2023 season

Countable Information 


Date of deposit in the Comercial Registry of the last Anual Accounts

The annual accounts for the 2022/2023 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on January 09, 2024


The annual accounts for the 2021/2022 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on December 26, 2022


The annual accounts for the 2020/2021 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on January 13, 2022


The annual accounts for the 2019/2020 season were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on January 15, 2021.


The Annual accounts of the 2018/2019 season, were deposited In the Commercial Register of Pontevedra on December 26, 2019.


Date in wich de Anual Accounts were handed over to the Superior Council of Sport

The annual accounts for the 2022/2023 season were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on December 18, 2023


The annual accounts for the 2021/2022 season were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on January 11, 2023


The Annual Accounts of the 2020/2021 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on December 22, 2021.


The Annual Accounts of the 2019/2020 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on December 21, 2020.


The Annual Accounts of the 2018/2019 season, were handed over to the Superior Cuncil of Sport on November 22, 2019.


Date in wich the Anual Accounts and other mandatory economic - financial information, were sent to the Professional Foptball League´s Office

This information was sent on November 14; 21  and 29, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Clubs as of June 30, 2023
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Employees as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Public Administrations as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Financial Operations  as of 30 June 2023,
  • Agreed Procedure report on the breakeven point indicators as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the expenses associated with the first team as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Net debt ratio in relation to relevant incomes as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) of 2023/2024 season after the close of the summer market.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the season ticket and ticketing earnings for the 2022/2023 season.
  • MN102 normailized model publicity income for the 2023/2024 season, visa by auditors.


Breakeven Point

As stated by te Economic Control Regulation stipulated by the National Profesional Football League – LNFP (Difference between relevant income and relevant expenses in a season) and the indicators that conform it (Art 12 LNFP).


See the Agreed Procedure report on breakeven point indicators.


Annual Accounts of associated entities

Economic & Financial


Financial Autonomy Indicator

The followwing graphic shows the indicator´s progression throughout the last 5 seasons.


Total Compesation Indicator

First team/clubs total budget.


Total invested in players

Of the first team/ Last season´s relevant income.

Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players

Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players at 31 December 2023; 5,379 thousand euros

Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players in the 2022/2023 season; 4,456 thousand euros.

Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players in the 2021/2022 season; 2,661 thousand euros.

Total amount paid for the services of agents and intermediation of players at 31 December 2022; 3,134 thousand euros

Income & Expenses Information


Relevant Income Breakdown (Annex I.7 RLFP).

Relevant income detail  as of 06/30/2023. It matches the breakdown shown in section A of the Breakeven Point Calculus.


Relevant Expenses Detail (Annex I.8 RLFP).

Relevant Expenses Detail as of 06/30/2023 matches the breakdown shown in section B of the Breakeven Point Calculus.


Expenses Associated with the First Team Detail (annex. 12 RLFP)

The graphic shows the expenses associated with the first team ratio.

See the Agreed Procedure Report on the expenses associated with the First Team.

6. Contracts and Agreements with Public Administration

List of agreements and contracts

  • Revenue from audiovisual rights, including audiovisual rights negotiated between television operators and LaLiga in the amount of €50,579,717 and the regularisation of retransmission rights of previous seasons in the amount of -2,727 euros, of the audiovisual rights of the Copa del Rey in the amount of 395,657 euros and of the first RFEF in relation to the subsidiary team, with the RFEF in the amount of 254,564 euros.
  • Advertising and marketing revenue arising from contracts or agreements concluded with general government:
    • On August 5, 2022, the company signed an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency for the promotion of tourism in Galicia in the Quinocho Trophy for an amount of 11,570 euros.
    • On October 25, 2022, the company signed an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency for the promotion of Tourism in Galicia through events and subsequent dissemination of a promotional video amounting to 8,430 euros, amount charged in full.
    • On December 9, 2022, the company signed a sponsorship contract with the Galician Sport Foundation with the aim of sponsoring the Galician high competition teams, specifically the Celta B. The amount of said agreement amounts to 38,604 euros.
    • On 26 January 2023, an agreement was signed with the Galician Tourism Agency for works to adapt spaces and access to the Abanca Balaidos Stadium for an amount of 40,752 euros.
  • Agreements with public entities or under public control:
    • Administrative concession of the Municipal Facilities corresponding to the Abanca Balaídos Stadium, Barreiro and the Sports City of A Madroa, signed on 30 January 2009 by which the previous facilities are ceded until 16 May 2034.

7. Subventions & Public economic reliefs

In the 2022/2023 season, the company  obtaining operating subsidies worth 450,929.71 euros, with the following breakdown:

  • 229,984.62euro from a grant from the Royal Spanish Football Federation for the stock quarry programme,
  • 216,101.14 euros in LaLiga grants to support corrective/evolutionary maintenance as well as preventive maintenance in sports facilities; and
  • 4,843.95 euros of a grant from the Xunta de Galicia for the development of sports activities.

8. Sponsors & Suppliers

Most Relevant Suppliers/Creditors

As for creditors, without considering the acquisition of players (sports entities and brokerage agencies), the list of the five most relevant suppliers/creditors of the company are:

  • Adidas España, S.A.
  • LaLiga
  • RFEF
  • Viajes El Corte Ingles
  • Royalverd Service, S.L.U.

9. Cuality Policy

The importance of cuality

Grupo RC Celta is aware of the importance of cuality when satisfying the needs of it´s users and others, it looks to aprove a cuality policy that overseas the Venue Management Services and the safety in all activities, as well as the correct maitenance & conservation of theese venues; within an efective and eficiant Cuality Management System.

General Guidelines

  • Achieve societies recognition in the national football sector when it comes to maitenance and conservation of facilities, as well as phisical safety manegement.
  • Be a national nevel standard when it comes to maitenance and conservation of facilities, as well as phisical safety manegement.
  • Achieve total satisfaction from our clients, providing them with services and products in line with their needs, requirements, expectatives, and other established specifics.
  • Achieve total satisfaction of employees, buiding the ideal work conditions for their developement.
  • Implementation of daily emprovement as a code of conduct.
  • Give enough resources necesary for their logo.
  • Excede our clients expectations in costumer service.

10. Financial benefits thanks to collaborating with the foundation

Helps, donations & deductible contributions.

Personal Income Tax Payers: lncome tax payers will have the right to deduct from the total amount to pay, the result of applying a series of donations and contributions with a deduction right endrán (base deduction). See the documentation for more information.

Other Grupo RC Celta pages

About Us

Grupo RC Celta specialises in improving and growing  the businesses overseas, building strong and true relationships based on experience and excellence…


About RC Celta Group


At the RC Celta Group we are fully convinced of the importance of complying with current regulations regarding quality, the environment…


See certifications


In Grupo RC Celta, we work under the premise of business excelence, and, in the last few years, we have received plenty of important acknowledgments that validate our great business management.
Our acknowledgements