What we offer:
The RCCelta Group is committed to and actively works towards the alignment of our strategy and objectives, with the development and professionalisation of the people who make up our human team, through motivation and continuous training.
The RCCelta Group promotes:
Stable employment in the Group, which believes in lasting relationships with its employees.
Guaranteeing equal oportunities for men and women, by eliminating all forms of direct or indirect dicrimination based on gender.

- Processes that encourage the development of our activity in an ethical, transparent and sustainable manner, promoting the values of excellence, transparency, sustainability and proximity as strong business points, therefore:
- Implementing different quality systems under the UNE EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard certified by the AENOR accreditation body, in its orientation towards the client, process management, continuous improvement,…. In short, to business excellence. We have ISO 9001: 2015 certification in the group’s Corporate Area and ISO 9001: 2015 for RC Celta Group’s security and facilities area.
- The crisis caused by COVID-19 has led to the RC Celta Grupo implementing measures to face the return to normality, adding value to business continuity processes, implementing good practices in COVID-19 risk management under the Protocol against COVID-19, which generates trust for all stakeholder groups (clients, employees and the general public).
The RC Celta Group offers:
Training and development, given that for the Group training constitutes one of the basic and strategic lines of its people management that materialises the group’s commitment to the continuous improvement of the professionalisation and motivation of its human team.Training plans adapted to jobs are provided to all workers in order to achieve the greatest efficiency in their performance. The purpose of the training plan is to determine the training that the staff had upon their incorporation into the RC Celta Group, as well as to describe the system for detecting training needs that will arise throughout the employment relationship.The employees of the RC Celta Group have undergone training, in the 2022/2023 season, in order to cover the following objectives established by the Group’s management:
Data analytics, and
This includes the training received by workers in the following subjects:Prevention of occupational hazards (all staff),
Compliance (all staff),
Organic Law on Data Protection (all staff),
Emergency plan (all staff),
Professional refresher courses, and
Training and preparation courses for the performance of the Group’s objectives, …
In addition, specific training in integrity and betting and environmental awareness is carried out.
- Diversity and equal opportunities, with the Group firmly committed to equal opportunity in access to employment, regardless of the individual characteristics of the people who choose the same job. The Group effectively contributed to integrating equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in daily activity.Currently, four people with disabilities are part of the workforce. Likewise, the squad in the 2022/2023 season was multicultural and diverse, with representation of people of 16 different nationalities.The Group has a harassment prevention protocol as it actively works to prevent and avoid this type of situation, establishing the necessary control mechanisms.
- Compensation and benefits, the RC Celta Group staff have a series of advantages for belonging to the Group, regardless of the type of contract, such as:
- Stable employment, since the Group is committed to lasting relations with the people who make up its team,
- Ensuring full equality of treatment and opportunities between men and women,
- Two tickets to be able to attend first team home matches, the B team and the C team,
- Discount at Grupo RC Celta stores,
- Discount at the Fundacion Celta de Vigo Campus, as well as in the rest of the activities they organize.
- Discount at the Group Clinic.
- Discount at Silabario A Sede Restautant.
- Discount at Cafe A Sede- El Trigal.
- Discount with other collaborating companies such as Sanitas,…
- Advances on subsidized salaries (type 0%).
- Life and accident insurance and retirement bonus, as established in the group agreement, and
- Training subsidized 50% by the Group.
Commitment, acquired by the RC Celta Group with:
Prevention of occupational risks, since it is a priority to protect our workers from the risks that arise from their work, avoiding or minimising the causes of accidents and occupational diseases.
Social relations, dealing with the different issues that concern workers in meetings with the Employee Council.
Respect for human rights, having a complaints channel, [email protected], for the formalisation of irregularity procedures as well as a Crime Prevention Manual.
The prevention of sexual harassment, establishing the necessary control mechanisms in the harassment prevention and eradication protocol and establishing as a reporting channel for any issue related to harassment, [email protected], which is managed by the Harassment Prevention Committee .
Initiatives developed and aimed at groups with special needs, such as our participation in LaLiga Genuine, with our Celta Integra team made up of people with intellectual disabilities, where we work for values and effective integrity.
The Non-Financial Information Statement for the 2022/2023 season shows our indicators related to social and personnel issues.
What we search for:
The RC Celta Group offers you the opportunity to discover new goals that adapt to your ability and experience, and allow you to continue training and growing by facing new professional challenges and enjoying different benefits.
Application Form
If you are interested in working with us, fill out your information, academic developement and professional experience. This will reach our Human Resources department.