Imágen genérica de cabecera RC Celta

RC Celta Group

Transparency Index of Football Clubs | INFUT

A transparent club

RCCelta Group makes public its institutional, organizational and planning information, as well as economic, budgetary and statistical information and indicators of the INFUT transparency index, with the aim of advancing our idea of transparency and communication with society in general.

Transparency International Spain has developed the Third Edition of the Football Club Transparency Index ( INFUT 2019 ), which aims to assess the level of transparency of football clubs/SAD’s and to promote and encourage an increase in the information offered to citizens and society as a whole.

On August 10, 2020, the results of this index were published, in which RC Celta’s commitment to transparency was made clear.


The 42 clubs and sports corporations that make up the First and Second Division have been evaluated through an evaluation procedure based on 48 indicators , grouped into five areas of transparency.

The INFUT evaluates 48 indicators, grouped into the following five areas of transparency:

A. Club Information

Management and staff information


Professional and biographical profile of the President/Board of Directors and/or management team ( in construction)


Generic e-mail addresses of the different sections or departments of the Club, as well as the general contact details of the club (telephone/s, e-mail address/s and head office).

Through phone number 986 110 900 or the following addresses or or in Calle Príncipe, 44 CP:36202 Vigo you can contact Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D.; Fundación Celta de Vigo and Afouteza e Corazón, S.L.U.

The agreements of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company are published as well as the agreements taken by the Board of Directors and are kept updated periodically.

The agreements of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company are detailed here

An updated organization chart (graphic representation) is published in detail to allow the identification of those responsible for the different areas ( in construction).

Legal framework, organizational structure and assets of the Club.


The legal, institutional and statutory regulations to be complied with by the Club are published.

The regulation applicable to RC Celta is:
  • Law 10/1990, of October 15, of the state sport.
  • Law 3/2012, of April 2, of the Sport of Galicia.
  • Royal Decree 177/1981, of January 16 on sports clubs  and federations.
  • Real Decree 1251/1999, of 16 of July on anonymous sport societies.
  • Other regulations applicable to a professional Club/SAD (Statutes, General Regulations and Disciplinary Code of the RFEF, Social Statutes, General Regulations and Rules for the preparation of budgets of the LFP, which can be found in the official pages of the respective organizations).
  • Internal Regulations of the Real Club Celta de Vigo, S. A.D. Art. 6 of the Royal Decree 203/2010, of February 26th, which approves the Regulations for the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sports.


A Code of Ethics or good practice and/or sports behavior by the Club exists and is published

The code of ethics or good practice and the internal policies of the Group are reflected in the following link.

The basic principles that guide the activity of the Group are: HONESTY, JUSTICE and INTEGRITY. Being the basic principles:

  • Strict compliance with the Law and Internal Regulations,
  • Maximum respect, fairness and dignity in the treatment of all employees, players, collaborators, subscribers, suppliers, competitors and other third parties linked to the Group
  • Commitment to health and safety,
  • Transparency, objectivity and professionalism in the development of all its activities and relations with all stakeholders,
  • Privacy, data protection and confidential information, and
  • Promotion of the sport activity with the highest standards of professionalism.

Everything related to the fight against corruption and bribery in the 2022/2023 season is mentioned in point 6 of the State of Non-Financial Information.


The Club's Internal Regulations exist and are published

Yes, in the point related to legal, institutional and statutory regulations to be complied with by the club.


It is reported that the club has an ethics committee or compliance officer

Indicator 6 of these indicators, on the Code of Ethics or on good practices and/or sporting behaviour on the part of the club, indicates that the body responsible for implementing the different controls and requirements established, is the Compliance Committee, which in addition, it ensures the training of all the recipients of the manual and of the ethical and political principles established by the RC Celta Group to mitigate the identified criminal risks.

The members of the Compliance Committee shall act with independence and honesty in undertaking the tasks entrusted to them. They shall also ensure the confidentiality of the information they handle in the performance of their duties.


It is informed if the Club is, or not, in a situation of insolvency proceedings, or of pre-competition or similar situation

The Club is not in a situation of bankruptcy or pre-condition or similar situation.


The basic data of the different existing soccer teams (professional, youth, children's, women's, ...) and if applicable, divisions or sections of other teams are specified

The information is reflected in the following links:


Inventory of assets

(movable and real estate).
The facilities in use by the Council of Vigo are: Abanca Balaidos Stadium, Barreiro Stadium and the Sports Facilities of A Madroa

Afouteza Sports City

Facilities where the First Team train.

A Sede building (Príncipe Street)

It is located the General Direction, Corporate Direction and Direction of other areas, together with the Celtic RC Clinic and the Celta RC Store

Abanca Balaídos Stadium

Facilities where the First Team plays and occasionally plays the Celta Fortune and you will find the Subscriber Office, Celta RC Shop, Museum and Facility Maintenance.

Barreiro Stadium

Facilities where Celta Fortuna and Celta C play.

A Madroa sports facilities

Facilities where they train the Celta C and the Lower RC Celta

B. Relations with partners, fans and the general public


A transparency page (or specific section) has been implemented on the Club's website.

The club has implemented a specific section to promote transparency, in which we are.

There is an internal search engine clearly visible on the website.

There is an internal search engine clearly visible on the upper right hand side of the corporate website.

You can see on the home page the Map of the club's website.

You can see in the home page the map of the website.

The web page contains a specific mailbox or channel for complaints so that members, affiliates and third parties can report possible breaches of laws, regulations, statutes or the code of ethics to the club.

The customer service mailbox, called, Escoitamos, which is located in the following  link

Information and attention to partners, employees and the general public


The club has a shareholder space available in and for subscribers available on the link

Training courses are offered and/or given so that employees and managers know the legal obligations that affect them in the development of their activity.

In the RC Celta Group, training is one of the basic and strategic lines of its personnel management policy that embodies the group’s commitment to continuously improving the professionalism and motivation of its staff.

The employees of the RC Celta Group have carried out training to cover the following objectives established by the management of the Group:

establecidos desde la dirección del Grupo:

    1. Internationalization,
    2. Digitalization,
    3. Data Analytics, and
    4. Training.

Including the training received by the staff in the following subjects:

  1. Occupational Risk Prevention (PRL) ( all personnel),
  2. Compliance ( all personnel),
  3. Data Protection Organization Act (LOPD)( all personnel),
  4. Emergency Plan ( all personnel),
  5. Professional refresher courses, and
  6. Training courses and preparation for the performance of the objectives of the Group.

Specific training is given in integrity and betting and in environmental awareness and equality and diversity.

Everything related to training is provided in point 4.5 of the Non-Financial Information Statement.


A list of the Club's related fan clubs and their basic data is published.

Everything related to fan clubs can be found in the following link.

A space is reserved on the Club's website to receive suggestions or requests from the fan clubs and/or fan associations.

RC Celta carries out the treatment of the suggestions through the customer service mailbox, called, Escoitamos, and where any suggestion is attended, whether or not he/she is a member or a fan club member. The suggestion box is located in the following link.

The basic catalog of the club's activities is published, as well as the locations of its services and equipment.

The basic activities are detailed below:

Participation in professional sports competitions, of the sport of football, is in the following links: in the case of the first team; for the Celta Fortuna and for Celta C.

Promotion of base sport and development of sports activities (campuses, schools, clinics, etc.), are on the web under the heading of activities organized by the Foundation and in

RC Celta stores, RC Celta Clinic and Management of certain spaces, are in the following links and

The headquarters of its services and equipment of the Group are detailed in


The number of spectators at the various sporting events (at least those of the various official competitions) held on the fields, premises and facilities of the Club is published.

The number of spectators at the matches held at Abanca Balaidos in the 23/24 season, to date are:

The number of spectators at the matches held at Abanca Balaidos in the 2023/24 season, to date are:


There are and are published the results of surveys made to the members and/or the public about satisfaction or quality of the services of the Club

The RC Celta Group has measures in place to ensure that the activities and processes are carried out properly. In parallel to the Quality Systems available to the Group, specific tools are used to measure the degree of satisfaction of the main stakeholders, such as:

Satisfaction survey for the fans,
Survey of the activities of the Foundation.


point 9.2 of the Non-Financial Information Statement

Relations with society, security and position against violence


The specific rules and recommendations of the Club are published to the fans on behavior, and against violence, in its facilities and enclosures, as well as in events in which the Club participates in other enclosures.

RC Celta provides information to the fans to prevent violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, in each match held at Abanca Balaídos, Campo de Barreiro Field as well as in the tickets of the matches.

The different documents with recommendations to fans and specific rules regarding security and the position of the Celtic RC against violence are the following:

Point 9.1. Violence in football


We inform about the symbolism and material not allowed (flares, weapons, lases pointers, etc.) inside the club's sports facilities.

RC Celta provides information to the fans to prevent violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport, in each match held in Abanca Balaídos, Campo de Fútbol de Barreiro as well as in the tickets of the matches themselves.

Everything related to symbolism and material that is not allowed inside the sports facilities can be found in the previous point.


The Internal Regulations of the sports venue endorsed by Laliga (art 6 RD 2023-2010 of prevention of violence, racism and intolerance with sport) are published.


Yes, the Non-Financial Information Statementis published.

Everything related to actions and/or policies of a social nature is provided in point 7 of the Statement of Non-Financial Information..


Information is provided on the relations and/or special conditions of the Club with respect to the Peñas and/or fan associations (ticket reservations, space in the venues, ...).

The relations and conditions of RC Celta with regard to the supporters’ clubs and/or associations are regulated in the Internal Regulations of the Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D


The internal Regulation of the club is published, and/or at least the adopted or foreseen measures in front of the potentially violent or radical groups that come to the sports facilities.

The measures adopted by RC Celta in front of potentially violent groups are included in the Internal Regulations of the Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D


Information is provided on the regulations regarding the sale of tickets when the club is a visitor (named and sold through the visiting club).

In article 4 of the Book XII of the Ticket and Subscription Sales Regulations of compliance for all clubs/SADs of the LNFP, the conditions for the sale of tickets in the visiting zone or sector are indicated.

Furthermore, the  Internal Regulations establish measures to support the activities of the RC Celta supporters in the trips of the team.


Information on data of police presence, private security at sports events.

No information on data of police presence is provided due to security measures.

Private security is available at sporting events held at Abanca Balaídos and Barreiro.


One or more club profiles exist and are published on the website in social networks (Facebook or similar).

RC Celta maintains a strong connectivity with its community and shows this in the multiple interactions that occur through our social networks.

The profiles on social networks (Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Facebook) are reflected by icons at the top of the web, each of these icons containing direct access to the corresponding profiles.


See point 9.3 of the statement of non-financial information

C. Economic and financial transparency

Accounting information


The date of deposit in the Mercantile Registry of the last yearly accounts of the Club is published.

The annual accounts for the 2022/2023 season were deposited in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra on January 09, 2024.

The annual accounts for the 2021/2022 season were deposited in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra on December 26, 2022.

The annual accounts for the 2020/2021 season were deposited in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra on January 13, 2022.

The annual accounts for the 2019/2020 season were deposited in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra on January 15, 2021.

The annual accounts of the 2018/2019 season were deposited in the Mercantile Registry of Pontevedra on December 26, 2019.


The date of deposit of the last annual accounts of the Club is published at the Superior Sports Council (CSD)

The annual accounts for the 2022/2023 season were delivered to the Superior Sports Council on December 18, 2023.

The annual accounts for the 2021/2022 season were delivered to the Superior Sports Council on January 11, 2023.

The annual accounts for the 2020/2021 season were delivered to the Superior Sports Council on December 22, 2021.

The annual accounts for the 2019/2020 season were delivered to the Superior Sports Council on December 21, 2020.

The annual accounts for the 2018/2019 season were delivered to the Superior Sports Council on November 22, 2019.


The date of sending to the Professional Football League (Laliga) the annual accounts and other economic-financial information of obligatory sending is published

On October 06 and November 14; 21 and 29, 2023 it has been sent to the LNFP:
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Clubs as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Employees as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Debt with Public Administrations as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report for Financial Operations as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the breakeven point indicators as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the expenses associated with the first team as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the Net debt ratio in relation to relevant incomes as of June 30, 2023.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) as of June 30, 2023,
  • Agreed Procedure report on the MN23 normailized model (Anex VI) of 2022/2023 season after the close of the summer market.
  • Agreed Procedure report on the season ticket and ticketing earnings for the 2022/2023 season.
  • MN102 normailized model publicity income for the 2023/2024 season, auditor’s visa.


The annual accounts of linked entities are published, especially the accounts and the complete report of the Club Foundation if there is one (if there are no linked entities, it will be expressly indicated on the web).

Annual accounts and audit report of Afouteza e Corazón, S.L.U. on June 30th 2023.

Annual accounts and audit report of Fundación Celta de Vigo on June 30th 2023.

Annual accounts and audit report of Galicia Sport 360, S.L.U. on June 30th 2023.

Economic and financial indicators


See image below.


Economic relevance of the first staff: Total retribution of the first staff/total budget of the club.

See image below.


Club indebtedness; total club debt/relevant income (as per RLFP)


See image below

Total amount paid for the services of players' agents and intermediaries.

Total amount paid for the services of players’ agents and intermediaries at 31 December 2023: 5,379 thousand euros.

Total amount paid for the services of players’ agents and intermediaries in the 2022/2023 season: 4,456 thousand euros.

Total amount paid for the services of players’ agents and intermediaries in the 2021/2022 season: 2,661 thousand euros.

Total amount paid for the services of players’ agents and intermediaries at 31 December 2022: 3,134 thousand euros.

Income and expense information


Details of relevant income as of 30/06/2023. It corresponds to the breakdown reflected in section A of the Balance Point Calculation.

Detail of relevant expenses as of 06/30/2023. It corresponds to the detail reflected in section B of the Equilibrium Point Calculation.

The detail of the expenses associated to the first team is published (according to Laliga's Regulations).

Debt data


A breakdown of the club's debt is published (CECSD-IV)

A breakdown of the club’s debt is published (CECSD-IV):
  • Debt with the public administrations:
    • Debt with Public Treasury,
    • Social Security Debt.
  • Private debt:
    • Debts with credit institutions,
    • Other debts.


Report on agreed procedures for the net debt ratio indicator in relation to relevant income as of 30/06/2023.

Report on Agreed Procedures for the Indicator Net Debt to Relevant Income Ratio as of 12/31/2022

Details are provided in Club Debts/Relevant Income (art 12 LNFP) and further details are provided in the Annual Accounts.


The list of debts with the corresponding public administrations is published (art. 18 of the Laliga Regulations).



Information on signings


The amounts received by the club are published for:

  • The transfers, and
  • The transfers made in the last two seasons

At least the number of players and the total amount of transfers and transfers made, and if any, investment funds involved in the operations and their amount.

  • Transfer expenses.
    • In the 2022/2023 season, for the incorporation of 8 players on loan we have incurred 5,338,033.50 euros in expenses
    • In the 2021/2022 season, for the incorporation of 9 players on loan we have incurred 638,000 euros in expenses and for the penalty in the transfer of one of our players to a third team the amount amounted to 28,000 euros.
    • In the 2020/2021 season, for the incorporation of 12 players on loan we have incurred 274,150.13 euros in expenses
    • In the 2019/2020 season, for the incorporation of 8 players on loan we have incurred 3,175,074.87 euros in expenses
    • In the 2018/2019 season, for the incorporation of 4 players on loan we have incurred 200,000 euros in expenses.
    • In the 2017/2018 season for the incorporation of one player on loan we have incurred 200,000 euros in expenses.
    • In the 2016/2017 season for the incorporation of two players on loan we have not incurred expenses, except for the intermediation expenses
  • The transfers made in the last two seasons.
    The variable amount of players from other seasons, is due to the fact that, in the contracts of purchase of players, there are clauses that oblige the company to pay certain economic compensations in case of fulfillment of the same ones, being recognized the same ones in that moment

None of the operations carried out have involved investment funds.


The amounts received by

The sale of players, and the temporary leasing of players, are published.

At least the number of players and the total of both the sale and the transfer of players

  • Result of the sale of players.This heading includes the result of the sale of players in the corresponding season together with the income generated in previous sales by variable objectives achieved. The result from the transfer of players, as well as the number of players that have been terminated, both by sale and by contract termination is provided in the following graph:
    • Income from the temporary loan of players.
      The income from the loan of players, included in section 5 of the profit and loss account “other operating income”, as well as the number of players loaned is shown in the following graph:



The salary cap of the club's staff is made public


As at 30 June 2023, the number of minors recruited at the various levels and sections of sports stood at 9.

As at 30 June 2022, the number of minors recruited at the various levels and sections of sports stood at 4.

As at 30 June 2021, the number of minors recruited at the various levels and sections of sports stood at 3.

As at 30 June 2020, the number of minors recruited at the various levels and sections of sports stood at 7.
As at 30 June 2019, the number of minors recruited at the various levels and sections of sports stood at 7.

Information on suppliers of goods and services


The list and/or amount of transactions with suppliers, contractors and/or award recipients plus club amounts are published.

The list of the five most relevant suppliers/creditors, without taking into consideration the acquisition of players (sports entities and brokerage agencies), throughout the 2022/2023 season, are:
  • Adidas España, S. A.,
  • LaLiga
  • RFEF
  • Viajes El Corte Ingles
  • Royalverd Service, S.L.U.

E. Transparency law indicators

Planificación y organización del Club


The annual and/or pluriannual Plans and Programs of the Club are published (season calendar).

The plans and programmes of the Club by season are indicated in point 3 of institutional, organisational and planning information

Scheduling of matches First team

Match scheduling of A Canteira (Academy)


An updated organigram of the club is published, which allows the identification of the people in charge of the different organs, as well as their functions and dependency relationships ( in construction)

Contracts, agreements and grants


Each one of the Contracts formalized with any public entity (or under public control) is published periodically or at least the relation of the same ones with mention of the signatory parts, its object and, in its case, the economic obligations contracted.

Such contracts are listed below:
  • Revenue from audiovisual rights, including audiovisual rights negotiated between television operators and LaLiga in the amount of €50,579,717 and the regularisation of retransmission rights of previous seasons in the amount of -2,727 euros, of the audiovisual rights of the Copa del Rey in the amount of 395,657 euros and of the first RFEF in relation to the subsidiary team, with the RFEF in the amount of 254,564 euros.
  • Advertising and marketing revenue arising from contracts or agreements concluded with general government:
    • On August 5, 2022, the company signed an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency for the promotion of Tourism of Galicia in the Quinocho Trophy for an amount of 11,570 euros.
    • On 25 October 2022, the company signed an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency for the promotion of Tourism in Galicia through events and subsequent dissemination of a promotional video for the amount of 8,430 euros.
    • On December 9, 2022, the company signed a sponsorship contract with the Galician Sport Foundation with the aim of sponsoring the Galician high competition teams, specifically the Celta B. The amount of said agreement amounts to 38,604 euros.
    • On 26 January 2023, an agreement was signed with the Galician Tourism Agency for works to adapt spaces and access to the Abanca Balaidos Stadium for an amount of 40,752 euros


RC Celta has signed the following agreements with public entities or under public control:
  • Administrative concession of the Municipal Facilities corresponding to the Stadium of Abanca Balaídos, Barreiro and to the Sport City of A Madroa, subscribed with date 30 of January of 2009 by which the previous facilities are yielded until day 16 of May of 2034.


The subsidies and grants received from any public entity (or under public control) are published with an indication of their amount and purpose.

Below is a list of the grants:

The company, in the season 2022/2023, has obtained operating subsidies for an amount of 450,929.71 euros, the detail being:

  • 229,984.62 euros from a grant from the Royal Spanish Football Federation for the stock quarry programme,
  • 216,101.14  euros of LaLiga grants for corrective/evolutionary maintenance as well as preventive maintenance in sports facilities; and
  • 4,843.95 euros of a grant from the Xunta de Galicia for the development of sports activities.

Club’s governing bodies


The remuneration received, if any, by the members of the board of directors for the 2022/2023 season is published

In the 2022/2023 season, the members of the Board of Directors receive no remuneration whatsoever.

The company has contracted collective accident insurance for members of the Board of Directors throughout the season, being the total amount of the guarantees contracted both in case of death and absolute invalidity amounting to 100,000 euros per insured.

In addition, the company has contracted a policy that covers the civil liability of Administrators and Senior Officials, being the annual limit of insurance 9,000,000 euros

The amount of both insurance premiums is not significant.


Everything related to the remuneration received by the members of the senior management or maximum executive responsible in the club is provided in 4.1 Non-Financial Information Statement.

Economic and budgetary information


The budgets and other documentation required in the budgetary rules are published (according to the standard model approved by the league. Art 12 Regulation Laliga).

Thinking about the future and with a complex and unstable current economic environment, the vision of the Board of Directors is very prudent and under this approach of prudence formulates a budget for the season 2023/2024, with a positive result BEFORE IS of 1,637 thousand euros, to maintain the growth and investments of the last seasons and the trajectory of profit generation.


2023/2024 Season Budget.


The individual and, if applicable, consolidated annual accounts of the club are published (Art 12 of the Laliga Regulations, according to Art 13)

The company Real Club Celta de Vigo, S.A.D., is the parent company of a group of companies formed by:
  • The participated company Afouteza e Corazón, S.L.U.  and Galicia Sport 360, S.L.U that do not carry out activities in the field of sports, and
  • The special purpose entity Fundación Celta de Vigo, whose main activity is the promotion of the basic sport from the lower categories of RCCelta.

The company is exempted from the obligation to consolidate because it only participates in subsidiaries that do not have a significant interest, individually and as a whole, in the true image of the assets, financial situation and results of the group companies.

The members of the Board of Directors of the company have decided to formulate consolidated annual accounts, as of the 2019/2020 season, including Afouteza e Corazón, S.L.U. and Fundación Celta de Vigo within the consolidation perimeter.


RC Celta annual accounts at 30 June 2023

RC Celta consolidated annual accounts at 30 June 2023


The external audit reports on the club's accounts are published

The independent audit reports on the annual accounts as at 30 June 2023 of both the company and the RCCelta Group are attached in the previous section together with the corresponding annual accounts and management reports.

Other RC Celta Group pages

About us

The RC Celta Group is characterized by the specialization in the business it develops, building trust relationships based on experience and excellence…
About RC Celta Group


In the RC Celta Group we are fully convinced of the importance of complying with current regulations on quality, environment…


See certifications


In the RC Celta Group we work towards business excellence and in the last years we have accumulated important recognitions that show our good management.
Our acknowledgements